Nr 1/2021 (545)

ANDRZEJ FRĄCZEK INŻYNIERSKI PROJEKT MOBILNEGO ROBOTA WYPOSAŻONEGO W WYKRYWACZ METALU SŁUŻĄCEGO DO DETEKCJI MIN W artykule przedstawiono projekt mobilnego robota gąsienicowego wykonanego w ramach pracy inżynierskiej, mogącego poruszać się w zróżnicowanym terenie. Jego zadaniem jest wykrywanie me- talowych przedmiotów, co jest realizowane za pomocą wykrywacza metalu umieszczonego na manipulatorze o trzech stopniach swobody. Całość sterowana…

Nr 4/2020 (544)

PATRYCJA JANISZEWSKA MINE MASTER MADE SELF-PROPELLED DRILLING AND BOLTING RIGS DESIGNED FOR UNDERGROUND MINING Underground exploitation(mining) of useful minerals consists of three main stages, with the entire process starting with winning through loading and finishing with construction of the lining. Minerals are mined using explosives or mechanically by ma- chines which are called combined cutter-loaders…

Nr 3/2020 (543)

Jerzy Gas Innovative solutions in the products of SAG Sp. z o.o. (LLC) The article presents the origins and implementations of innovative solutions in the construction of balance ropes that have provided a new quality in the transport of men and materials using mining hoisting devices. In the article the new technical solutions are discussed…

Nr 2/2020 (542)

Dawid Szurgacz, Łukasz Bazan, Konrad Trzop, Ryszard Diederichs A wireless pressure parameters visualization system of a powered roof support on the example of Polish mines The introduction of pressure monitoring for powered roof support in recent years by coal companies has been one of the main objectives of the Industry 4.0 programme. The development of…

Nr 1/2020 (541)

Franciszek Plewa, Iwona Jonczy, Krzysztof Filipowicz 70 years of the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering, and Industrial Automation of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland On July 12th, 1950, in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Higher Education, the Faculty of Mining was established at the Silesian University of Technology in…

Nr 4/2019 (540)

Roman Gąska, Zbigniew Wolny, Mariusz Myrlak, Marcin Kruk, Tomasz Karpiel The improvement of work safety and the functionality increase of operating the mine shaft hoist at the Tauron Wydobycie S.A. Z.G. Sobieski The article presents information on changes to the mine shaft hoist in the cage compartment of the “Sobieski III” shaft of Tauron Wydobycie…

Nr 3/2019 (539)

Kazimierz Miśkiewicz, Andrzej Nowrot, Antoni Wojaczek Operating RTLS systems in underground workings The difficult environment conditions of underground mines require the identification of persons present in mining workings. To date, miner location systems applied in several mines only allow a dispatcher to determine the crew working at given level or in given operation area on…

Nr 2/2019 (538)

Stanisław Trenczek The porential for monitoring air parameters in the determination of carbon monoxide sources in light of research projects First, a recapitulation is provided of monitoring systems, based on electronic solutions which ensure the reliability of the requisite speed and measurements while intrinsically safe. Subsequently, examples of measurements of the carbon monoxide concentrations emitted…

Nr 1/2019 (537)

________________ Vitalii Panchuk, Oleh Onysko, Tetiana Lukan, Iuliia Medvid Theoretical study of dependence of screwing of drilling-pipe connector on thread-process cutting tool profile Screwing is one of the main parameters of the quality of a drill string tapered thread tool joint. It indicates the number of screwing operations that can be applied to this tool…