Nr 3/2023 (555)

Nr 3/2023 (555) DOMINIK BUKSA, PAWEŁ MADEJSKI, MICHAŁ KARCH Rapid prototyping of water nozzles using CFD modeling and 3D printing results Rapid prototyping of water nozzles using CFD modeling and 3D printing results In recent years, there has been greater interest in rapid prototyping methods employed in various industries. Prototypes are increasingly often made using…

Nr 2/2023 (554)

Nr 2/2023 (554) Marek Borowski1, Klaudia Zwolińska-Glądys1, Andrzej Szmuk1 1AGH University of Krakow An analysis of the potential use of methane from hard coal mines in a trigeneration system to reduce emissions into the atmosphere Greenhouse gases and their emissions are issues that are being increasingly discussed due to climate change. Next to carbon dioxide,…

Nr 1/2023 (553)

Janusz Zyśk1, Artur Wyrwa1, Maciej Raczyński1, Marcin Pluta1, Sabina Michalska1, Emilia Wyrwa1, Tadeusz Olkuski1, Wojciech Suwała1 1AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Energy and Fuels, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland Energy and emission balance of the Małopolskie Voivodeship in 2020 The article presents the energy balance for the Małopolskie Voivodeship in 2020. It…

Nr 4/2022 (552)

Tomasz Budniok1, Bernard Krakowczyk1, Andrzej Tor1, Wojciech Zasadni1, Leszek Żyrek1 1Becker-Warkop Sp. z o.o, ul. Przemysłowa 11, 44-266 Świerklany, Poland Modern means of underground transport – Technical and economic effects and benefits to working environment resulting from the operation of monorail VOLTER battery-powered locomotives Battery-powered means of transport are more and more often used in…

Nr 3/2022 (551)

JAN KUREKTOMASZ WYDRO THE MINING OF IGNEOUS ROCKS – MINING TECHNOLOGY EXEMPLIFIED BY THE “ZALAS” PORPHYRY MINE The geological structure and rock resources of the region of Krakow are very diverse. This results from its location at the junction of three structural units as well as from the variety of geological processes that have taken…

Nr 2/2022 (550)

MAREK WOJTAS, DAMIAN KAZUBIŃSKI, KLAUDIUSZ PILARZ AN INNOVATIVE CROSSING POWERED SUPPORT OF THE HENNLICH-20/43-CH TYPE The underground mining of minerals with a longwall system requires the construction of two parallel galleries (bottom road, top road). As the longwall progresses, they are eliminated (mining from the boundaries). Reconstruction of this area, i.e., the wallroad crossing, is…

Nr 1/2022 (549)

JANUSZ KOŁODZIEJSKI SALT MARKET CHARACTERISTICS IN POLAND ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE “KŁODAWA” SALT MINE This article is a brief summary of information on the salt market in Poland. In addition it defines the economic areas in which sodium chloride is used, the sources of salt production and the forms in which it occurs –…

Nr 4/2021 (548)

Sławomir Straszak, Artur Wiktor SHEAVE AXLES OF MINE SHAFT HOISTS – DIFFICULTIES AND LIMITATIONS IN ASSESSING THEIR TECHNICAL CONDITION DURING IN-SERVICE TESTS The paper discusses the difficulties and limitations in the possibility of assessing the technical condition of sheave axles during inservice tests resulting from the lack of access to many areas of the outer…

Nr 3/2021 (547)

Rajmund Horst, Jan Zdziebko Mechanization and automation in the production processes of Polska Grupa Górnicza S.A. In Polska Grupa Górnicza S.A., actions are still being taken to mechanize and automate work, striving to increase production efficiency and reduce the physical burden on miners. Mechanization of works covers further areas which enable the process of automation…

Nr 2/2021 (546)

KRZYSZTOF KRASUCKI, TOMASZ KUDŁACIK, KRZYSZTOF AUGUSTYNIAK RUFUS 3G LOAD BEARING CAPACITY MONITORING SYSTEM FOR ROVIDING DIAGNOSTICS FOR POWERED ROOF SUPPORT OPERATIONS The Ziemowit part of the Piast-Ziemowit mine uses an active and passive load bearing capacity system for its powered roof support section, which allows for diagnostics, the selection of initial load bearing capacity, and…