Marek Borowski1, Klaudia Zwolińska-Glądys1, Andrzej Szmuk1
1AGH University of Krakow
An analysis of the potential use of methane from hard coal mines in a trigeneration system to reduce emissions into the atmosphere
Greenhouse gases and their emissions are issues that are being increasingly discussed due to climate change. Next to carbon dioxide, methane is considered one of the most important greenhouse gases. Reducing methane emissions could result in noticeable environmental benefits in a short time. Anthropogenic emissions constitute approximately 60 of total methane emissions and thus solutions to reduce emissions of this gas are most often sought in this sector. The subject of the study is the methane capture system in the “Pniówek” mine, belonging to the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (southern Poland), and the potential for methane management using a trigeneration system. The article discusses the utilization of methane from hard coal mines to reduce its emissions into the atmosphere and as a profitable solution to use the emitted gas. The authors describe a trigeneration system in which methane from the mine is burned in gas engines and used to produce electricity, heat, and cooling energy. This allows for reducing methane emissions into the atmosphere while increasing the efficiency of coal use. The article shows the results of measurements carried out in a hard coal mine in Poland. The presented example indicates the ecological and economic benefits resulting from the use of a trigeneration system.
Słowa kluczowe: methane emission, emission reduction, economic use, trigeneration system
Konrad Trzop1
1Polska Grupa Górnicza S.A., Department KWK RUDA Ruch Bielszowice
Application of a measuring and recording system with MEMS technology for a powered roof support
Innovative technologies in hard coal production are indispensable for building a modern business enterprise. The pace of environmental and social changes inspires the need for continuous improvement of the coal mining process. The domain of machinery and equipment is the most important element of the entire production process. Machines and equipment require the constant monitoring of their operating parameters to ensure production continuity and safety. A solution addressing those needs is a measuring system that records the parameters of the powered roof support. The constructed measuring
system uses MEMS technologies to measure changes in the transverse and longitudinal inclination of the elements and the height of the powered roof support. The measuring system allows for determining the parameters of the powered roof support’s operation in the mining wall. The following paper presents an example of the use of MEMS technology in the measuring system sensors, as well as the stages of real-life research on adapting the powered roof support to the measuring system.
Słowa kluczowe: powered roof support, efficiency, safety, FEM, MEMS, underground mining
Paweł Galant1, Radosław Srebniak1
1LW “Bogdanka” Mine
Optimalization of the transport of excavated material in hard coal mines
based on improvements in the automatic control mode
Hard coal mines are increasingly struggling with the widespread phenomenon of the decarbonization of the economies of European countries. As a result, they are forced to constantly look for opportunities to reduce unit mining costs. This is extremely difficult because producers of mining machinery and equipment are unwilling to incur high costs for the research and development of new products, as this industry is burdened with a high risk of unprofitability. This article describes one of the examples in which an attempt was made to reduce the costs of hard coal mining by modifying the method of controlling underground haulages consisting of belt conveyors in the Polish LW “Bogdanka” mine.
Słowa kluczowe: conveyor belt, control mode, automatic
Franciszek Niezgoda1, Janusz Zając1, Kazimierz Mitko1, Izabela Górecka1, Stanisław Mojżysz1
1 Urządzenia i Konstrukcje S.A.
Innovative Mine Floor Grinding Machine
This article describes the process of development of the Hydroma floor grinding machine. It describes the current methods of solving exploitation problems related to uplifting of the floor in mining facilities and the issues of the need to maintain proper crosssections of roadways under current mining exploitation conditions in order to ensure the continuity and safety of mining facility operations. The existing methods of floor grinding were analyzed in terms of cost, labor intensity, safety, and environmental protection. The following section outlines the process of developing a mine floor grinding machine at Urządzenia i Konstrukcje Spółka Akcyjna, namely the stage of technical and marketing analysis is discussed, during which the needs and possibilities of implementing the floor grinding machine were assessed, as well as the process of preliminary research and design, construction and tests conducted on a prototype grinding machine. The operation of the floor grinder – which is driven by an electric motor to grind the elevated rock bed, load and transport the grinded rock to the hauling trucks, all performed by remote control – is described. In conclusion, the advantages of the Hydroma grinder are discussed, as it performs the work efficiently, effectively and safely, without exposing the environment to harmful emissions.
Słowa kluczowe: longwall mining, longwall grinding machine, longwall face raising