In order to submit a manuscript for publication, the authors should send a MS Word file by e-mail to the following address:

Authors from Poland are obliged to send two language versions (Polish and English). Authors not from Poland only in English.

The prime criteria in accepting papers submitted for publication are:

– compliance with the subject of the magazine,

– timeliness of the contents,

– clarity and compliance with editing requirements (Guide for Authors).

Only original papers will be considered. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been and will not be and is not being currently submitted elsewhere. Submission for publication must have been approved by all of the authors and authors are required to sign the following declaration (Author’s declaration). Articles and any other material published in MINING – Informatics, Automation and Electrical Engineering represent the opinions of the author(s) and should not be construed as reflecting the opinions of the Editor. No more than two papers will be considered or published by the same author or co-author in a period of one year.

There are no fees for publishing an article in MINING – Informatics, Automation and Electrical Engineering.