The manuscripts must be clearly written in English. The incorrect use of the language is not admissible. It is strongly recommended to limit the length of a manuscript to less than 15 pages.

Title page (page 1). The top of the title page should contain the names of all authors and the manuscript title. The abstract should be a single paragraph of less than 150 words summarizing the main findings of the paper. An abstract is often presented separately, so any references to numbered items in the paper or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided. After the abstract a list of up to 5 keywords that will be useful for indexing or searching.

Sections. An article should be divided into numbered sections and subsections (1.1, 1.2, etc.). Any subsection may be given a brief heading.

Equations. Equations should be in Equation Editor and the numbers for displayed equations should be placed in parentheses at the right margin. References to equations should use the form ”equation (1)” or simply ”(1)”.

Figures. Figures must be prepared in a form suitable for direct reproduction. If complicated figures or diagrams are used, the corresponding graphic files should be included. Digital artwork of at least 300 dpi resolution is accepted. Please note that each figure must be referenced in the text (Fig. 1).

Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements, if any, should be placed before the references.

References. The author should use the numbering style of referencing [1]. References should be arranged in the order of citation. The following general rules also apply:

– in the title of a work (book, chapter, paper, conference presentation), the first letter of the first word of the title should be capitalised,

– the title of a work (book, chapter, paper, conference presentation) should be written in an italic style,

– if there are several references to bibliography, it should save them as follows [1–4, 10],

– all papers or books titles should be into original language.

Every reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list and vice versa.

An example of a reference list is given below:

– book:

[1] Hillman J.: A history of British coal preparation. Ratcliff & Proper Press, London 2003.

– journal article:

[2] Lyman G.J.: Review of jigging principles and control. Coal Preparation 1992, 11, 1–2: 41–72.

– non-English journal article:

[3] Nowak B., Brown S., Kowalski G.: Cewki Rogowskiego jako elementy nowoczesnych układów automatyki i pomiarów. Automatyka i Robotyka 2007, 2, 433: 23–30 [in Polish].

– chapter in a book:

[4] Rotkegel M., Bock S., Witek M., Adamiec P.: Sposób zabezpieczenia połączenia wyrobisk korytarzowych w warunkach strefy uskokowej, in: Nowe spojrzenie na wybrane zagrożenia naturalne w kopalniach, red. S. Prusek, J. Cygankiewicz, GIG, Katowice 2012: 5–14 [in Polish].

[5] Kotwica K., Stopka G., Gospodarczyk P.: Simulation tests of new solution of the longwall shearer haulage system, in: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2019, 679, 012002, 1-8.

– website:

[6] The Robot MarketPlace. [10.05.2021].

– graduate work:

[7] Spiller D.: Model-based development of a self-balancing, two-wheel transporter. University of Padua, Department of Technology and Management of Industrial Installations 2017 [master thesis].

Affiliations. At the end of the paper (after the references) the author should put complete affiliations and the address for manuscript correspondence (including e-mail, address).

The text proposed for publication should be prepared in accordance with the template.