Nr 4/2020 (544)

PATRYCJA JANISZEWSKA MINE MASTER MADE SELF-PROPELLED DRILLING AND BOLTING RIGS DESIGNED FOR UNDERGROUND MINING Underground exploitation(mining) of useful minerals consists of three main stages, with the entire process starting with winning through loading and finishing with construction of the lining. Minerals are mined using explosives or mechanically by ma- chines which are called combined cutter-loaders…

Nr 2/2018 (534)

MIAG 2 (534) 2018   LESZEK ŻYREK, WOJCIECH ZASADNI, JAN LUBRYKA, DAWID JENDROSKA Mobile lighting of passenger and material monorails stations In this article, the authors present the Becker-Warkop company innovative technology development of mobile lighting for passenger and material stations as well as routes during the passage of a suspended monorail. As part of…