Nr 3/2018 (535)

MIAG 3 (535) 2018   Florin Dumitru Popescu, Sorin Mihai Radu, Andrei Andraş Study of functional performance improvements for cutting teeth mounted on bucket wheel excavators operating in Oltenia coal basin – Romania The values of the resultant forces acting on the cutting teeth of BWEs can either be calculated or determined using experimental methods….

Nr 3/2016 (527)

Nr 3/2016 (528) TOMASZ MOLENDA, SŁAWOMIR CHMIELARZ Galvanic separation of analogue signals The article deals with the issues of galvanic separation of analogue circuits and methods to perform it. The authors described capacitive, inductive and optical couplings, separation with the use of processing as well as non-linearity correction of optoelectronic materials characteristics. The available solutions…